Santa Luzia, Viana do Castelo

santa luzia viana do castelo portugal travel

Santa Luzia is a hill in Viana do Castelo. This hill has a sanctuary called Santa Luzia and is one of the treasure from the north region.

The temple is also called between the population by the princess of Lima, due the panoramic view from the hill to the river Lima.

The Saint is called Lawyer of the eyes, due to be convicted to be blinded, and this saint is know due to one captain been nearly without seeing and he start frequenting the chapel and ask with devotion for help and one day he was cured and therefore he create a brotherhood with intention of making the chapel a better way for visitors and with time the brotherhood made the inauguration of the sanctuary of Santa Luzia.

Since the hill is a little to high, from the city Viana do Castelo you can find the lift which will bring you to the top of the hill. The lift takes round about 7 minutes, each cabin has a capacity of 20 persons and can also carry bicycles. After that you will have only 659 stairs until you are there.

So if you are near Viana do Castelo you can make a visit to the sanctuary Santa Luzia and also bring your bicycle and take a ride around the hill it’s worth it.

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